10 Lessons Learned During Tough Times

Recently we have had some tough times. What have you learned from your struggles?  Here are ten lessons learned by my clients that they want to remember so that they can do meaningful and rewarding work no matter what the economy is.

  1. Good friends are priceless when things are tough.  They often can provide the emotional support needed to stay focused.  Make time to visit with friends and help one another in both good and bad times.
  2. Keeping a list of contacts with whom a person networks gives one confidence that the resources will be there if it is necessary to find a new job. Connect with your network on a regular basis whether you need their support or not.  Support others when they need it.
  3. Tolerance for risk is really challenged when times are tough. Tough times come and go but it’s important to plan wisely when business is good.  Remember that good times don’t last forever and plan accordingly.
  4. One can learn to live on less by getting serious about cutting expenses.  Make a distinction between “must haves” and “nice to haves” Eliminate some of the “nice to haves” when things are tough and think carefully about adding them back in when conditions improve.
  5. Volunteer work allows a person to broaden his/her network and to develop new skills.  The organizations to which people volunteer may offer work during a down period and/or provide an opportunity for a person keep his/her skills improving until other work becomes available.
  6. Getting additional training is a person’s own responsibility not his/her employers.  Keeping skills up to date increases a person’s marketability. Set aside money each year for training.  During slow times you will be able to use that time and budgeted money to improve your skills.
  7. It is important to pay off credit card balances and any debt when the economy is good so there will be no debt to pay off when things get tight.
  8. Make friends both inside and outside of your workplace.  Whether you are a manager or an employee your work friends may lose interest in you if you leave the firm. Losing a job is difficult enough but losing daily contact with friends too can be devastating.
  9. No one is an employee for life.  All jobs are temporary. Have an up to date resume ready with your most recent accomplishments detailed.  Update it regularly
  10. Quiet times allow us the time to grow and to be creative.  A lull in the economy provides the opportunity to regroup and rethink plans.  Farmers allow a field to lay fallow for a year before planting again.  The soil produces more after the rest.   New ideas often come when a person is not so busy. A slow period can give you the time to change your perspective.

Copyright © 2014 Parker Associates. All rights reserved.

What are the elements of Well-being?

Did you know that Gallup has done research to determine the elements of well-being?  The five elements that they found are career, financial, physical, social, and community.  Not surprisingly they found that career well-being is a predictor of overall well-being.  Interested in improving your overall well-being?  I can help. I have a wonderful tool to help you to rate your well-being in the areas you identify as important.  Coaching provides a method to identify the kinds of changes you want to make in your life and then to create the steps to make those changes.  Call me at 781-598-0388 or email me at asparker@asparker.com to discuss this.  Develop a feeling of well-being.and happiness about your life and work..


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