
Stories-can you tell them?

Stories-can you tell them?

Sally (not her real name) arrived early for her appointment.  She was beautifully dressed and made up – not the...

10 Reasons To Have Only One Or Two Practice Areas

10 Reasons To Have Only One Or Two Practice Areas

As a new attorney just opening a practice there is a great temptation to have a general law practice.  When...

Motivate Yourself To Do Continuous Business Development

Motivate Yourself To Do Continuous Business Development

My client, Ed, is a successful attorney who has been in practice for about 15 years.  He has enjoyed his...

10 Tips For Giving a Performance Review For Attorneys

10 Tips For Giving a Performance Review For Attorneys

As a Practice Advisor for Attorneys I find that there is resistance to performance reviews both by the attorney or staff person being reviewed and the attorney doing the reviewing. No one likes them! Here are 10 tips for the attorney or manager doing the performance review.

Can You Reverse Burnout?

Can You Reverse Burnout?

An attorney friend and newsletter reader asked me if I could write an article on reversing burnout. At first I referred her to an article I had written many years ago on how to avoid burnout. She was insistent however that avoiding burnout and reversing it were two different things. Her question really was if a person is really burnt out, what can he or she do to come out of it?

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