
Frustrated At Work? Lawyer and Manager Find Solution

Frustrated At Work? Lawyer and Manager Find Solution

Amy (not her real name), a client, worked for a startup for 5 years.  During that time she worked on...

One Ringy Dingy- How to Find Time to Network

One Ringy Dingy- How to Find Time to Network

Most of my clients have one common problem.  They don’t have enough hours in the day to do everything they...

Lessons from Frogs

Lessons from Frogs

Occasionally I receive a heartwarming story from the website  Here is one I received a few years ago: “An...

10 Tips for Writing and Sending Email

10 Tips for Writing and Sending Email

I wrote this list in October of 2006.  At that time people were not concerned about email hacking.  Today this...

Feel Fulfilled? Find Meaningful Work

Feel Fulfilled? Find Meaningful Work

Meaningful and engaging work is the key to a profitable business.  When people feel their work is meaningful the end result...

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