
Never too old to try something new

Never too old to try something new

Of all the beliefs that people have that limit them, the one I hear most often is “I am too...

10 Ways to Recognize a Job Well Done

10 Ways to Recognize a Job Well Done

How does a Manager show his/her appreciation for work well done?  Some managers are really good at acknowledging their employees...

10 Lessons I Learned From My Mother

10 Lessons I Learned From My Mother

In honor of Mother’s Day I am reprinting a list I made 13 years ago when my mother turned 90. ...

10 Tips to Help You In Your Pursuit of Happiness

10 Tips to Help You In Your Pursuit of Happiness

Being happy at work is important but what I really want is to be happy in life! Martin Seligman is...

Lessons from Frogs

Lessons from Frogs

Occasionally I receive a heartwarming story from the website  Here is one I received a few years ago: “An...

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