
Should We Cancel Thanksgiving?

On November 15th the Boston Globe had an article entitled The Pilgrims would agree: Cancel Thanksgiving this year. The premise of the article is that it’s been such an awful year, let’s wait to celebrate when we are all vaccinated, and we have something to celebrate. The writer explains that that is what the Pilgrims did. What do you think?

Has the Quarantine Made You More Self Aware?

Has the Quarantine Made You More Self Aware?

The quarantine has provided us an opportunity to identify my emotions and figure out ways to acknowledge and deal with them. Read ten my clients identified.

10 Tips to Help You In Your Pursuit of Happiness

10 Tips to Help You In Your Pursuit of Happiness

Being happy at work is important but what I really want is to be happy in life! Martin Seligman is...

Ten Ways To Help You Recover From A Bad Mood

Ten Ways To Help You Recover From A Bad Mood

A bad mood can ruin your whole day! What techniques do you have to get over one? I recommend to...