
Be happy at work and at home-Listen more

Be happy at work and at home-Listen more

Can we be happy at work and at home during these divisive times?  Maybe it is time for us to...

target for target market

What Do You Know About Your Target Market

Your product or service may be appropriate for many groups, but your marketing will be more effective if you market to one group (your target market). 10 questions for choosing target market.

Want to be happy at work? Try self reflection.

The questions in this list will help you with self-reflection so that you can know who you are and what value you offer.

Why Be Self-Aware?

Why Be Self-Aware?

Being self-aware is important at any age even for senior citizens! Tai Chi was wonderful while it lasted!  It ended...

Do You Take the Time to Push the Pause Button

Do You Take the Time to Push the Pause Button

It’s hard to get my friend Ellen off the phone.  Ellen has been a good friend of mine for over...

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