Meaningful work

Hygienist at work

Is This the Life You Want? Honoring Your Values

I work with clients frequently on understanding what their values are. What I mean by values is what is most...

What is the Dream in Your Heart? Your Vision

Many people get caught up in what others dream and want for them. How many people became doctors because their parents wanted them to do it? They took their parents dream as their own without thinking about it. Sometimes that works out but sometimes it does not.

Should We Cancel Thanksgiving?

On November 15th the Boston Globe had an article entitled The Pilgrims would agree: Cancel Thanksgiving this year. The premise of the article is that it’s been such an awful year, let’s wait to celebrate when we are all vaccinated, and we have something to celebrate. The writer explains that that is what the Pilgrims did. What do you think?

Are You a Standout?

Are You a Standout?

Every day we hear about more layoffs.  You will want to be proactive by starting a job search before it...

Congratulations to You!

Congratulations to You!

The end of the year can be a hectic time.  You may be getting ready for the holidays, buying gifts...

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