
What Was Good About 2020?

What Was Good About 2020?

It has been a long difficult year. Are you eager for the new year? I certainly have the feeling that I would like to see the end of this year come quickly. Hopefully 2021 will be a better year! Now is the time however to look back at 2020 to see what you have achieved.

Making a plan

How Flexible Are You At Work?

I don’t know how to plan for the coming year. “ my client said to me. “One day we are virtual the next day we are in the office and then they shut us down again.

How I got From Florida to Massachusetts during the Pandemic

How I got From Florida to Massachusetts during the Pandemic

A Pandemic can throw off even the best planner. If you have been a subscriber to my newsletter for a while you know I am a planner. Not only do I plan but I think of everything that could go wrong and have a contingency plan to move forward whatever happens. However never in my wildest dreams did I think a pandemic would come and stop me from returning to Massachusetts with my mother.

Your Answers to These Questions After the Quarantine

Your Answers to These Questions After the Quarantine

What a year 2020 is turning out to be!  And we are only 6 months into it.  The pandemic, the...

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