working at home

Should We Cancel Thanksgiving?

On November 15th the Boston Globe had an article entitled The Pilgrims would agree: Cancel Thanksgiving this year. The premise of the article is that it’s been such an awful year, let’s wait to celebrate when we are all vaccinated, and we have something to celebrate. The writer explains that that is what the Pilgrims did. What do you think?

Ten Places for Quiet Reflection

The pandemic has created a new kind of busyness. If you are working from home there is the never ending push/pull between your work and your family. If you are working outside your home then you are busy commuting and trying to keep your home virus free. Finding ways and times to just be quiet and reflective is difficult. Here is a list of places for quiet reflection

Making a plan

How Flexible Are You At Work?

I don’t know how to plan for the coming year. “ my client said to me. “One day we are virtual the next day we are in the office and then they shut us down again.

How to be productive working at home

As an AT&T employee I was used to working in an office with lots of colleagues around. Suddenly in 1994 the group I was with was asked to work from home. I liked the fact that I didn’t have to drive 45 minutes to an hour to work but I missed the camaraderie of the office. I learned to compensate for the isolation and continued to work from home.

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